
What is Enrolment?

Say you are a health clinic that provides health care to beneficiaries in your community. You would need a way to keep track of the beneficiary's health records at your clinic, hence you would want to register them in your system and store information for subsequent visits, health issues, and treatments.

Registering a new beneficiary is the enrolment process in Simprints ID.

Enrolment Flow

  1. Calling app creates a Register Intent using projectID, moduleID and userID and sends intent to Simprints ID

  2. Beneficiary's biometrics get captured and processed to generate a uniqueId and biometric template

  3. Simprints ID returns the generated uniqueId to the calling app

  4. Calling app receives the resulting uniqueId and stores it with the beneficiary's personal info.

Trigger Enrolment

Simprints ID accepts normal Android intents as requests and you can also use SimHelper to streamline creating the intent. To register a new beneficiary, you need to:

// create an instance of SimHelper

SimHelper simHelper = new SimHelper("Project ID", "User ID");

// create an Intent using the register method on the SimHelper object

Intent enrolIntent = simHelper.register("Module ID");

// trigger the Intent using the startActivityForResult method

startActivityForResult(enrolIntent, requestCode); // requestCode is required for Android intents

Handling Enrolment Response

During the enrolment process, Simprints ID captures the beneficiary's biometric data, processes it, and then generates both a biometric template and a unique ID which are saved in Simprints ID, and the unique ID is returned to the calling app.

If the enrolment was successful, this unique ID is sent back in an Intent to the calling Android application.

This unique ID should be extracted from the response and saved in your Android application and server together with the beneficiary information. This is how you link a record on your side with a Simprints record.

The response comes via Android as part of the onActivityResult:


public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {

   super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data)

// check that neither Simprints or Android returned an error

if (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) {

   // ensure the requestCode is the one you sent for the enrolment request

   if (requestCode == enrolRequestCode) {

      // call method to handle enrolment



} else {

     // check out Handling Errors page for reference


import com.simprints.libsimprints.Constants;

public void handleEnrolment(Intent data) {

// get the boolean flag to check if biometrics completed successfully

Boolean biometricsCompleted = data.getBooleanExtra(Constants.SIMPRINTS_BIOMETRICS_COMPLETE_CHECK);

if (biometricsCompleted) {

   // extract the returned Registration object

   Registration registration = data.getParcelableExtra(Constants.SIMPRINTS_REGISTRATION);


   // this is the unique id to be saved with the persons data

     String simprintsUniqueId = registration.getGuid();



Note: the properties of the Registration object are:

  • guid - a String value containing the generated unique identifier (which can be accessed through the getGuid method)

  • [deprecated] template - a byte array containing the generated biometric template (which can be accessed through the getTemplate method)

Handling Alternate Scenarios

During the enrolment process, the biometric capture and processing might not complete due to two main reasons:

  1. A system/application error occurred. To read more on how to handle application errors check here.

  2. The user backed out of completing the process. To read more on how to handle uncompleted workflow issues check here.

We have a feature called Enrolment+, that lets you check if a beneficiary has been enrolled before making a new enrolment. To see how to implement this check here.

Last updated