Exit Forms
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An exit form is a form presented to the user to capture reasons for ending a biometric capture before completion. This form is triggered if the user presses the Android back button in the middle of the flow. This can be due to:
the person to be captured not being present
the person refusing consent for personal reasons
technical reasons like bluetooth or device malfunction
The form contains general reasons for the exit early, as well as a custom message box to indicate other reasons not specified. Whenever an exit occurs, the reason for the exit is available to the calling application and the values can be extracted for use within the calling application.
If you would like to get the exit form data that is sent back to inform your workflow when handling the result of a workflow, you can get the RefusalForm object with properties:
reason - indicates the reason for exiting the workflow, can be accessed using getReason method
extra - indicates any extra message, it can be accessed using getExtra method
These are the reasons that Simprints ID can return:
REFUSED_RELIGION - returned when the biometric capture was refused due to religious concerns
REFUSED_DATA_CONCERNS - returned when the biometric capture was refused due to personal data concerns
REFUSED_PERMISSION - returned when the beneficiary refuses permissions for biometric capture
SCANNER_NOT_WORKING - returned when the fingerprint scanner is not working
APP_NOT_WORKING - returned when SID app stops working during biometric capture
REFUSED_NOT_PRESENT - returned when the beneficiary to be captured is not present themselves
REFUSED_YOUNG - returned when the beneficiary to be captured is too young
WRONG_AGE_GROUP_SELECTED - returned when a wrong choice was made on the age selection screen
OTHER - returned when some other reason for refusal, has been provided.